Postdoctoral Fellows and Associate Scientists

We see postdocs as pillars of the research and intellectual activities of their own groups and of the Institute as a whole. Our postdoctoral training, which is overseen by a senior member of the Institute (Professor Jen Morton), is designed to promote the development of outstanding and dedicated early career scientists. All postdocs participate in an internal seminar series and are offered feedback by group leaders following their mid-contract presentations.

We hope that by the end of their time with us many of them will be ready to compete for an independent scientist position; however, we recognise that a postdoctoral training position can lead to many different career paths. We have introduced a mentoring enabling scheme to help postdocs get the support and advice they need as they develop as scientists and make these important decisions about their career path. We also assist those making fellowship and small grant applications, either while at the Institute or as they make the transition to a new position elsewhere. In addition, our postdocs have developed their own support network through their postdoc forum, which covers topics ranging from research and technologies through to training and careers. They also organise regular scientific meetings and social events.

Postdocs are initially employed for three years but outstanding individuals who are developing into independent scientists may be given additional support and responsibility – such as more technical help or mentoring of a postgraduate student. At the discretion of their group leader, funding may also be extended for two more years. At the Institute, we are also committed to increasing the number of female scientists at the postdoctoral level and strongly encourage female applicants to apply for positions with us. We have introduced a highly attractive, innovative maternity policy, which includes providing a postdoc with support and funding so that their projects can continue during their maternity leave.

Group Leaders at the Institute always welcome applications from prospective postdoctoral fellows. Starting salaries are from £32,868. Typically you will be PhD qualified in a life sciences subject or one of the many core technologies utilised at the Institute including advanced imaging, metabolomics and in vivo modelling. A desire and enthusiasm for cancer research is also expected.

Any current vacancies are detailed below. However, if you are interested in the work we do and would like to find out if there are other positions becoming available soon or if you are considering applying for an independent postdoctoral fellowship, please contact individual Group Leaders directly by following this link to our Research pages.

Possible sources of externally-funded fellowships.

We have a fantastic Postdoc Society who represent and organise events for all postdocs at the Beatson.

Liver Disease and Regeneration

Project Title: Linking stratification biomarkers to therapy for B-catenin driven liver cancer